Competition Team
Our competition teams is a hard-working dedicated group consisting of 25 members. Since beginning in September we have finished our first season, taking home a first-place victory and spirit award. We look forward to continuing our growth as a team and entering a wide range of competitions in the next coming years to bring on plenty of new challenges.
As well as competitions, this team performs with the recreational team at the American Football matches. This is a great opportunity to practice our skills in front of a live performance at half-time, as well as showing the upmost support for our American football team!
It is no doubt that this is a memorable experience for our members, but it comes with a lot of hard work. Being on this team makes it extremely important that you attend practices and bring your game face on. We love bringing on a wide variety of talents, whether you love dancing, have incredible strength, love to tumble or simply want to develop and improve your skills, then we have a place for you! This team feeds of hard work over born talent. This year we took a team consisting of 18 members who have never cheered before and turned them into athletes. We are so incredibly proud of how these members grew and pushed themselves and we can't wait to take on some new members this year!
Do you want to join our competition team? Then click on the button below!